3DSite Project
Students selected a space within the building to create a piece informed by, and a response to the site, composed out of paper. The students had three weeks to plan & make and one day to complete the install. 2x4 Project Students used a single 2x4 as a vehicle to explore the idea of engagement. Final outcome of the project is a digital representation of their concept, not an object. Body Project Students were asked to create a volume that explored a relationship to the body out of wire. Mass Project Students selected spaces within the building and created mass forms based on the relationship between the space and their body. The forms were constructed out of cardboard and hot glue then covered with craft paper. Re-Container Project Students were given a foam packaging form and asked to create an imagined volume that may have been shipped using the form, out of cardboard. Planar Project Students were given a 2'x2' piece of 1/4" MDF to compose a piece based on a piece of contemporary architecture or architectural feature. Balsa Project Students designed pieces in balsa wood exploring basic design relationships: dominance, directional thrust, balance, unity, variety, and visual economy . |
2DWoodblock Prints - including multi-block and reduction block prints
Intaglio Prints - including drypoint, softground, hardground, and aquatint techniques Paper Plate Litho & Transfer Prints